Cleaning leather furniture

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In the past, leather furniture was synonymous with luxury. Nowadays, when more and more people decide to buy this type of sofas, armchairs and chairs the question arises how to take care of them so that they serve us as long as possible in an unchanged condition?


The most important thing is care. Make sure that the leather surface does not have to deal with excessive water, also when cleaning it. Remember to vacuum the furniture regularly. Systematic vacuuming once a week is enough. Then wipe the surface with a damp (not wet!) microfiber cloth previously soaked in water with gray soap flakes. When you get a stain, e.g. from red wine, lipstick or chocolate, if you want to keep your furniture in good condition, forget about using a stain remover. There are special products available on the market for cleaning difficult stains. It is also worth reaching for impregnating agents for furniture made of leather.

Leather furniture is an elegance and class of its own, so remember about its proper cleaning and care, and they will thank you, serving for many years in an unchanged form.

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